Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 1

Yesterday, I decided that while my hubby was cleaning up the driveway area of all the snow that we got, I would get rid of the ice that had been getting congested on the eaves over our front step. I'm always a little leery about walking underneath the huge ice jam that always collects over our front door after the snow on the roof melts, drips, and refreezes. So I got the clever idea of taking the homemade walking stick that my parents and I made and pushing at the overhanging ice. I could see that it went all the way across the roof, and I was standing on the steps themselves, so I was pushing at the ice that was further down the building that we live in. Well, silly me, I forgot about the clotheslines that my husband had put up for me over the summer between the building we live in and one close by. Needless to say, all of the ice came down off of the roof at once, and took out 5 out of 5 clotheslines. Well, almost all of the ice came down at once. And that's where my blessing comes in. Foolishly, I had been standing too close to where the ice would have fallen on the step if the entire piece had come down all at once. Thankfully, everything *but* the spot where I was standing came off the roof. :-D I'm also thankful that the ice didn't come down and break our windows, which you can't see in this picture, but which are right above the clotheslines.

I decided today that as well as a caption, I would also give one or two critiques about my photography in order to help myself become a better photographer. (Please feel free to add your two cents, but please, keep it nice! :-)

Today's critique: the lighting in this picture is poor. Next time maybe brighter natural light or the flash would help.

1 comment:

  1. Dia Duit! This is Uozumi from 43 Things. Good luck on your blog, please visit mine. :D
