Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Inspiration

Today whilst (does anyone even use that word anymore?) brushing my teeth I had an inspiration. Recently, my nephew posted something on Facebook that recommended taking a picture a day for a year. The idea was to be able to look back and see what had taken place over the course of the year or see how things had changed. At first I thought "Oh! What a great idea! But I wouldn't want to commit to something like that. Besides, I wouldn't know what to take a picture of every day. How would I pick something meaningful that would sum up that day's events? Especially when most of my days are spent doing the same thing?" But then it hit me. I was thinking of all I have to be thankful for, and I thought "Why couldn't I take a picture of a blessing a day?" Then of course, I wanted to be able to share my blessings, as an inspiration to not just me, but everyone who can look at my pictures. I decided a blog would be the easiest way to share for now, but hopefully one day I can create my own website where people can come and post pictures of their blessings with me. :-)

I'm hoping that this helps me to become a better photographer and also to realize just how much I have to be thankful for.

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